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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Big Toe Out the Door

The energy is shifting. I can feel myself leaning toward simply quitting the day care business even if I have to work at Walmart or McDonald's. That's how strong the desire is now. It's Sunday evening and that rebel voice hollers, "Where'd the Weekend Go???!!!" Too short. So I'm taking Memorial Day off. Time for a three day weekend.

Do I value having money or time the most? Work is beginning to feel like a tether where it used to be a joy. That's not totally, or even half, true. It's still a joy, and new children keep coming. We have a new four year old boy who only stays until nap time. Forgot how little boys change the dynamics since I've had all girls for the last year or so. Those kids had fun racing, wrestling, jumping, running, rolling, dancing, summersaulting, gyrating, pushing, pulling, yelling, twisting, whooping & hollering, climbing the whole morning. Jenelle kept telling Elias, "It's not wrestle time now!" He really was quite taken with her and grabbed her every five minutes but she pushed him away when she'd had enough and told him again that it's not wrestling time. So funny. They're all so darned cute. I always want children in my life but just not such long, long days, every day.

It rained all week again but the sun has come out at last to stay awhile. This picture is Makenna directing a spider with her finger. She's not afraid of them. I have to work so hard to undo the fear mothers put in their children about spiders. The kids know to look out for the big shiny black ones we find outside. Every week now we turn over all the outdoor toys, the climbing structures and play house to hose out and check for Black Widows. But the little spiders like this one, I call "Charlotte" and soon the children lose their fear.

Camping season is here and I have a new tent and camp of the rewards of getting older. I get to sleep off the ground now in comfort. Pacific Ocean, here I come!! Soon....soon.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

When One Door Closes, A Window Opens

It's been months since I have been able to post to my old blog so I'll start another. It sounds as though other people have had this same problem with blogspot, My old blog is titled, "Sand in My Shoes: Mornings with Children," where I posted pictures and antidotes of what our days are like in my family day care. Since I am hoping to retire from this business (close the door) in 2012 it might be more timely than I know, starting a new blog. I can record my journey here toward the window Life opens.

A wise man told me a few years ago that our job is to tell the universe what it is we want and let the Universe, or Life, reveal the HOW. So here it is:

I am going to retire in April 2012 with an income that allows me the freedom to pursue my love of photography ( including new equipment), of writing, as well as new explorations into Mindful Meditation.

What I'm learning is that not only Believing  we can have our dream, although that is a close second to having a clear vision of what it is we desire, but Action is the driving force. An example: the other day as I sat on the back porch, drinking my morning coffee and communing with the internal Friend, I looked out at the yard. Weeds are up to my shoulder in places (the compost pile, especially!) and the grass ankle deep again. I just mowed six days ago! but it keeps raining so the lawn thrives. I'm in the middle of a project that I can barely handle, extending the patio and building a box garden just off it. I feared that if I spent two hours mowing the yard I wouldn't have the energy to cut the heavy boards for the box garden. "I need help here!" I said to myself, or so I thought.

Later, as the children slept, I thought, "I can probably mow the back yard at least and get it out of the way before the children wake up." So I began. I'd barely made ten passes when I turned and here was my son (who I have begged to come help me, but he's so busy) walking across the lawn. He mowed every inch of my property, even outside the fence. When we talked later I told him what I'd learned about taking action toward our goal. He said, "had you not been mowing, I would have had a cup of tea with you then left, but since you were mowing,  I finished for you." See?

Today it's raining so I created a "Vision Board" with pictures that represent what I want in the not too distant future and believe is on the way to me as I get ready to let it in. My old one is outdated because nearly everything on it came true. I got my new car, my daughter took me to Italy, I seem to have retained my joy of life, etc. So these picture boards work, I'm sure of it.

Now in the new board, there are pictures representing the safe and sound return of my son from the Middle East, some others which represent me following the Writing Life, which includes completion of the Copywriting course I am taking. Other pictures represent the new camera equipment and van for travel to photographic spots, as well as pictures of my new camera and lenses. The middle photos represent a trip to the Mindfulness Meditation Retreat Center in Thailand my son has invited me to attend with him in the spring.

So we'll see. I'll let you know. I feel that is a lot to ask of the Universe, but have heard there is no Big Wish or Small Wish, they are all the same in the Mind of Creation. Or whatever you want to call it.

Meanwhile, there is so much that I am grateful for from the bottom of my heart, right here where I am. Another valuable step in this experiment in co-creating is to feel deeply appreciative for all that comprises my world right here, right now. All the children in my life who delight me from morning until night; my own six grown children, my two dogs and cats who keep me excellent company, my home and all that is in it, more than I'll ever use so I'll explain the last valuable step...clearing, a little each day, and I have to say that with every trip to the thrift store down the street I feel lighter. So light that right now I'm going to float away from this computer and off to my nice warm bed and good book.